Aachen : verdict for two comrades accused of bankrobbery and some acts of solidarity

Today, 7th June 2017, the judge pronounced the sentence in the court case against two anarchist comrades from Barcelona accused of having robbed the PaxBank in Aachen 2014. While one comrade was set free, our sister and comrade was sentenced to seven and a half years of prison.


Some words of solidarity from Aachen after the sentencing:

What this sentence has clearly shown, is that not only were the facts on trial but also ideas, our anarchist ideas, our solidarity bonds and our refusal of collaboration with power.

Despite the court’s intention to break and repress our anarchist ideas and practices, for our part, we remain and will remain proud and convinced of who we are and why we struggle.

This is what was shown in courtroom with our cries of rage and solidarity, as an answer to the dignity that our comrade maintained saluting us with her head high her fist raised as she was being escorted out of the room. We expressed all our contempt to the court for what it represents. We hope that this storm of rage and hate, and of love for our comrade blows and spreads wide throughout this damned world.

Freedom for our comrades, war on our enemies

Some anarchists in solidarity

for more information: solidariteit.noblogs.org


Barricades in solidarity with the anarchists implicated in the Aachen affair

At the early hours of the 7th of June a street blockade was carried out by setting fire to garbage containers and to tires with the aim of parlysing the traffic entering and leaving from Barcelona through the rovira tunnel.

This action is in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused in the Aachen case, on the day of their verdict.

Freedom for imprisoned comrades!

[Translated from Spanish, found on Indy Barcelone, 07 june 2017]


Attack with paint on the german chamber of commerce in Barcelona, as an answer to the verdict of the Aachen case.

After the verdict of this morning which sentenced an anarchist comrade accused on bank robbery to seven and a half years of prison…

This midday we paid a visit to the german chamber of commerce on Calle Còrsega, n. 301. We redecorated the huge door making one thing clear: CAP CONDEMNA ENS FARÀ CREURE (A) (no sentence will make us believe (A).)

We want to express our solidairty with our comrade, send her and her close comrades an embrace, while pointing out the german entrepreneurial network.

Your sentences cannot stop our ideas, our lives, nor the world we carry in our hearts!

Stealing from a bank is not violence, founding one is!

Long live anarchy!

[Translated from catalan, found on Indy Barcelone, 07 june 2017]

On Tuesday, June 6, at noon we slashed the wheels of two trucks of the multinational DHL, in solidarity with the anarchists imprisoned and on trial in Germany accused of expropriating a bank.

With this symbolic action we wanted to point out one of the biggest companies of German capital, which profits from the business of war and frontiers, and greet the comrades that are tomorrow facing the final day of their courtcase in Aachen.

Freedom anarchist prisoners !!

We want them on the streets!
