Meet the new solidarity structure – International Anarchist Defence Fund

Meet the new solidarity structure – International Anarchist Defence Fund

Worldwide the forces of repression are cracking down on anarchists. In the summer of 2017 a few activists discussed the idea of creating an International Anarchist Defense Fund (A-Fund) and today it’s finally in action.

Our collective support structure provides support to anarchists around the world who are persecuted or find themselves in a difficult life situation because of their political ideas or activities.

We are very much different from other solidarity structures in the way that we offer direct involvement into distribution of funds instead of usual charity-style solidarity. The Anarchist Defence Fund incorporates the model of solidarity introduced by the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund.

We think it’s important to organise something like the international A-Fund because it’s a very easy and successful way of informing people about repressions and involving them into direct financial support and solidarity. There are not enough ABC (Anarchist Black Cross) groups in the world where people can ask for support, and most local groups have a lot of pressure, if the context is highly repressive or if the movement is really small and lack funds to support local anarchists. With the Fund, they have easy access to international finance from anywhere.

We are a collective structure because anyone who makes an annual donation of $20U.S./€20/£15 can join the decision-making body that determines if a certain request is supported by the Fund. Decisions are taken online by consensus, or by a simple majority vote if consensus is not possible.

Join us in the struggle for a better world and supporting comrades who strive for the same goals! You can donate to the Fund and become part of the decision-making crew, or even join the collective which is keeping the whole structure going. Donations will help us a lot especially now that we are just starting. We are welcoming any attempts to collect money for the fund in places you live by organising benefits or other means necessary.

We are also already open for requests for support, though you should not expect the support to be substantial until we are able to build a strong base of donors.

Until all are free!

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