Bern (Switzerland): Fabrikool evicted

Since the early hours of the morning, the squatted Fabrikool house in the Länggass in Bern has been evicted by representatives of the canton and cops. The building is closed off on a large scale and surrounded by about 25 riot cops with dogs. All the trees around the building are cut down, a scaffold erected, all the windows screwed up from the inside with boards and everything outside, from pizza oven to trampoline to outdoor kitchen, is dismantled and cleared away. Again and again cops with bolt cutters and sledgehammers were sighted, eagerly working on their destructive work in the building. The highly motivated cantonal representative Beat Keller is, of course, personally on site and is not too sad to help clear away.
Many people in solidarity – also from the neighbourhood – are on site and observe what is happening. Throughout the morning, several people were subjected to person checks, district bans were imposed and two young people were arrested after being searched and detained by a bunch of robocops.

Just because the authorities think they can let off steam in our house is not the end of it! Therefore: Keep your eyes and ears open, more information will follow.

Ps: Note from the Furia on the edge – the books are doing well in exile. Solidary greetings from your anarchist infoshop – on the next 50 years!

Fabrikool Solidemo – Friday 17 may // 17:30 Meeting point Mitte Mittelstrasse, Länggasse, Bern // 18 h Demo is starting. Bring noise equipment and other items with you!

Colorful demo open for everyone, young, old or in between!

This morning, Tuesday 14 may 2019, the Fabrikool was evicted and sealed off with a 4 meter high fence. What used to be a meeting point yesterday is now a cage. After two years with many projects and creative stimulation, the building is now empty again, just like the previous 17 years. The people were driven out of the Fabrikool, so we go together on Friday on the street, against this expulsion policy, for community organized open spaces and quarters. We will not let ourselves be separated and divided by the destruction of such meeting places, therefore we all pull together – neighbourhood & people in solidarity – through the city.

Now more than ever!

Fabrikstrasse 16, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Anarchist infoshop Furia
furia [at] immerda [dot] ch