Athens: Staki of self-organize collectives of anarchist immigrants

Staki of self-organize collectives of anarchist immigrants
۲۷ تیر اخبار روز

Today 17 July 19, we the self-organize collective of anarchist immigrants together with others self-organize collectives and individuals solidaritian occupied a abandoned shop in the corner of Tsamadou/Tositsa streets, exarchia

Our goals as the self-organize collective of anarchist immigrants to use this staki are

  • a center of struggle for anarchist immigrants
  • self-organizing immigrants for common struggle and build relations between the immigrants communities and the movement
  • a collective cafeteria in solidarity with political prisoners
  • education activity

Our opinions on the identity of squat

  • A- squat is not the goal of struggle but it’s the tool of struggle, which means: the struggle should happens in the street and the squat is a help to organize the social struggles which should happens in the street
  • B- squat should be a social open space, which creating open activity for society. For example: open education classes and
  • C- staki of self-organize anarchist immigrants will not be a housing project. In our opinion: there no problem to occupy a space for housing but only housing as squatting a place is a problem because squat is a social political space and should be active for struggle in the neighbourhood and others areas
  • D- in squat the decisions should be teken in the collective way and the assemblies should be with no authority and hierarchy situation

We straggling for SQUAT THE WORLD, in reference of our opinion on the squat

Since the puppet of the greek regime “NEO DEMOCRATIA” said: they will clean the exarchia, so our staki as first occupation after existence of new government, is a big political slap in the face of them. In reference to the opinion point of our injured comrade: even if you do massacre all of us, you can’t destroy the resistance and this is not a personal point but it is our collective point

self-organize collective of anarchist immigrants

۱۷/ July/ 2019


آدرس و اسامی صفحات مرتبط با اتحادیه آنارشیستهای ایران و افغانستان

Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran, May 24, 2018

P.S:The possibility of joining new people and groups of anarchists will be permanent

Source via enoughisenough